ANZ Stadium, Home and Away Games.

Venue : ANZ Stadium, Olympic Drive, Homebush Bay.

How To get there.

Train : Train is by far the fastest means to get to the Homebush, You can catch the Olympic Park Sprint Trains from Lidcombe and Strathfield stations for most games and their only other Stop is the Train Station at Olympic Park. For Major Events the Olympic Services Start at Blacktown and Go All Stations to Lidcombe then Olympic Park, Strathfield, Burwood, Redfern, and Terminate at Strathfield. They also operate in the other direction Starting at Central and Terminating at Blacktown.

Driving. If you wish to drive, Book a ticket for Major events for the parking Stations from Ticketek before you arrive. Parking at Homebush is strictly limited. For normal games Parking is available at Stations P1, P4 and P3 and costs between $10 and $15 per match, Buses from P3 and P4 are available for a small extra cost.

The Match

Home Game: Parramatta takes 2 home games to ANZ Stadium during the year for "Blockbuster" Games, this is normally our game against the Bulldogs and the Dragons. Your tickets at ANZ Stadium for these games are included in your Season Ticket Package if you have purchased Season Tickets.

For More information on Parramatta Home games at ANZ Stadium, check out the club Website here

Away Games: Parramatta play a variety of teams at ANZ Stadium. Games against the Bulldogs and South Sydney are played here with the Tigers game normally also held at the Venue. Depending on Parramatta's reciprocal arrangements with ANZ, at least one of these games is included in your season ticket as a free general admission. General Admission is provided via Gate O, but this can change. To enter you will need you season ticket.

Please check back shortly for more information on where the Eels fans will gather at this venue